We provide high quality energy efficient housing for local people that remains affordable for future generations

Harrogate CLT logo

There is a significant shortage of affordable housing in the Harrogate District. The Harrogate Community Land Trust (HCLT) work closely with communities to put the right type of homes in the right place at the right cost. 

HCLT icon for affordable housing

Affordable forever

We want to make truly affordable housing a priority, not just in the short-term but for all future occupants. Rental costs could be linked to local salaries and will focus on local residents who can’t afford open market prices or rent and are not eligible for housing association homes. 

HCLT icon for Community-led housing


Community-led housing is designed and managed by people in the local community. HCLT may work with housing associations to decide what size and type of homes are most needed to create different tenures of housing to include shared ownership, affordable rents or custom-built housing.

HCLT icon for Community-owned housing


Community Land Trust assets are to be used solely for the benefit of the community and we aim to retain ongoing access to housing so that houses cannot be sold off for private gain. Rental income and any profits from houses sold will be re-invested into further community housing projects.

HCLT icon for energy efficient affordable housing

Energy Efficient

We aim to build high quality energy efficient housing fit for the future. We plan to use local companies and employ modern methods of construction to effectively deliver housing projects on time and with less disruption to the wider community, while making best use of green landscapes.

Find out more about the Harrogate housing crisis and the shortage of affordable homes:

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